In 2012 our Play-it-Forward Project was a Summer Camp program held at Gymtastics Gym Club in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Gymtastics Play-it-Forward Projects provides an opportunity for children facing financial and/or social barriers that live in the Calgary district, the chance to attend a Spectacular Sports Summer Camp week at Gymtastics Gym Club.
This camp promotes fitness and physical development in a fun and creative environment. The children will be introduced to activities teaching the basics and fundamental movement exercises needed in life, athletics and sports. Â The program will offer a wide variety of activities ranging from fitness exercises, basic gymnastics skills, group social games, dance as well as an introduction to sport basics such as throwing, catching & kicking activities.
Looking back at the Calgary Summer Camp...

"The camp was a huge success. Â All those involved were very fortunate to share in this experience. Â The relationship between the children, Volunteers, leaders and coaches will never be forgotten. Â Every day there were new games, activities, sports workshops and gymnastics taught. Â It is so contagious to see the smiles and giggles of the grown up coaches playing, teaching and interacting with the children.

It is so special to see the pure delight of a child learning a cartwheel and saying "Look what I can do or  hey teacher watch me"
The highlights for me were watching the days unfold with so many activities to look forward to. Â We threw a lot into this camp from the gymnastics instruction, to active games, relay races, special dances, fitness and sport basics. Â We also mixed in many special activities such as tug-O-war, potato
sack races, water balloon fights, pyramid building and partner play. Â To end the week long camp we finished with our own version of mini-Olympics and a spectacular Sports Day challenge.

Everyone received special prizes, gifts, certificates and a gold medal for their participation. Â We all left the camp full of love, memories and deliciously exhausted from all of the activities. Â Whew what a camp! Â We couldn?t have done this without a lot of help from our sponsors, the coaches, the assistants, the host location "Gymtastics Gym Club" and most of all the team of Volunteers who put this all into action. Â I am humbled and proud to be a part of this organization Gymtastics Play-it-Forward Projects.
I look forward to next year and excited to see what will be our next project for  "Play forward" in the future with this special team. There are so many more children we have to reach and teach through our Sport and Play programs, the possibilities are endless.  I am Blessed!  Thanks!"
Darlene Fedyna President and Founder of Gymtastics Play-it-Forward Projects